Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Slugging along

Second Sock Syndrome seems rampant in the knitting world. I, however, do not suffer from this syndrome. I suffer from a little known disease known as First Sock Syndrome. I keep knitting and knitting and the first sock takes forever. The second sock usually takes me less than a day to make. The first? Usually a week. For example:

This is my lovely start of the Monkey socks. I love this pattern. It's simple, yet intricate, and it highlights the yarn nicely. I love the yarn even more. It's Araucania's Ranco multy. It's wonderful. The colors are so beautiful, and it's truly a joy to knit with. I can't wait to go and buy more of this yarn in different colorways. But it's the never-ending first sock. I've worked on these things for what feels like FOREVER. And they're just not growing quickly (granted, they would get longer if I didn't stop and take the time to post about them taking forever). Grr. Perhaps I have discovered the first instance of sock-gravity inducing a knitting black hole. Perhaps time is simply warping and, in reality, it's really not been that long since I started these (which is likely the case, since I started them March 29th and it's only April 2nd. But that's 4 days!!!). Perhaps I just don't like knitting the first sock, but get excited once I have it, and then fly through the second in order to have a pair.

*sigh* Anyone else have this issue?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you finished with the first sock yet? If not, I am still cheering for you!

~Boredom Yoda