Sunday, April 6, 2008

Harlot in the big Lex-vegas

Last night, the wonderful Yarn Harlot made her appearance at Joseph Beth. The crowd was quite nice. I met a lovely knitter named Kendra from Ohio, and sat with her and the lovely ladies of ReBelle. Worked on a sock during the wait (I got there early in order to get a good seat), which had to be frogged and quickly put back on the needles as I was standing in line to get my books signed. Serves me right for trying to create my own pattern in 15 minutes and then attempt to knit it while listening, laughing, and even occassionally snorting while laughing during the Harlot's speech.

She was wonderful. Charming, witty, slightly self deprecating, but with no self-pity, and just a touch of sarcasm thrown on the side. Wonderful. The best part, though, was the looks from people walking by (which, of course, I didn't get pictures of). Inexplicable knitting activity indeed.

So, in one of those funny twists that the world is so fond of dishing up sometimes, I was reading the Harlot's blog about her NYC stop. Lo and behold, there's a picture of Holly, whom I went to college with. Proceeded to leave a comment (Holly, you knit?!), and decided to mention it to Stephanie. Turns out that she read my comment, thought it was great, and took my picture. So Cindy-Lou-Who (aka Mom) took my pic with her:

Yes, I look like poop. But I'm standing next to the great Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, and I'm holding her sock and she's holding mine. I'm hoping my size 2 dpns are now blessed.

In other knitting news, I finished the first Monkey sock late Thursday night. Kitchenered the toe Saturday morning (worked nearly 15 hours on Friday, no knitting was to be done), and then started the second sock. Which I finished in time to wear the pair to the speech/signing. Told you, I have a complex about that first sock. Second one absolutely flies by...but that first one just doesn't want to get made. I need a name for this rare knitting disease. Second Sock Syndrome has such a nice ring to it...First Sock Complex just doesn't ring.

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