Saturday, June 28, 2008

Please to meet the Squishy...

And I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy.

Please to meet my Squishy, a fantastic, wonderful handknit octopus from my dear UnBitterKnitter (the Bitter Knitter has become un-so). I love him. Squishy is fantastic. Expect to see more of my Squishy.

And now, for some past-due updates:

1. I somehow managed to win the first ever Yarn Smackdown. I give credit to my lovely Yarn Cheerleaders, and am completely overwhelmed. Pictures of my prizes will go up as soon as I get them. I am not participating in the next smackdown, but am refereeing the advanced sock category as well as sponsoring a prize.

2. I got a new job! I will now be working with the county school system. This translates into holidays, Fall break, Christmas break, Spring break, and a few weeks in the summer off. And the icing on the already fantastic cake: Snow Days. I don't have to work if the kids aren't in class. Isn't life grand?

3. I have become very addicted to sock knitting. It can be as easy or as challenging as I want. I can make bright and tacky socks, or classy and elegant socks. A sock fits in my purse and makes for a great traveling project. If you haven't tried knitting socks yet, do it. Fear not, for they are easier than you think...but be forewarned, you will become addicted. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but there will come a day when you will not be able to stop knitting socks.

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